Are you terrified of door knocking? Worried about at best being rejected at best, and at worst, shouted at?
If so, you’re not alone. I’ve never met an independent estate agent who likes door knocking.
But there are some benefits to calling up your courage and knocking on that door.
All I ask is that you read this article, then make your own mind up on this very contentious subject.
Phil Jones and I run the AJ Mastermind for independent agents who are looking to scale their businesses to multiple 6 figures and beyond. We teach, amongst other things, low-cost or no cost marketing techniques – including door knocking.
So, let’s break door knocking down into the Why, Who and How of door knocking, to make it simpler, more compelling and a bit less terrifying.
Why door knock?
Door knocking is a very direct way of communicating with somebody, isn’t it? You’re on their door step, face to face. It’s personal and powerful, and because of this, highly effective.
When we opened AshdownJones, Phil was the one who was brave enough to knock on the homes that had been on the market for a while, and that we really wanted to list. We were instructed on a beautiful £1.5 million home this way, just months after opening.

Our £1.5 million instruction – from a door knock
Whose doors should you knock on?
Start with those homes that you would really love to list, but that you’ve missed out on for some reason. Especially those homes that have been on the market for some time, as the owners are likely to be more receptive to a direct approach. Look through Rightmove and identify those homes in prestigious areas, and that you’d love a board outside – think strategically.
How to door knock successfully
Phil and I never advocate a cold door knock. It just doesn’t work and can actually damage your brand reputation with the homeowner. It’s so unlikely you’ll get a positive reaction, it’s just not worth the risk. Instead, you need to ‘warm’ up the owner first. The best way to do that is with a hand-addressed letter, at least 2-3 pages long, so when you knock on that door, they have some idea of who you are. Add your photograph to the letter so that they recognise you when they open the door, and you’re not a stranger to them.
Here are a few dos and don’ts to help your door knocking efforts work best
DO introduce yourself, and ask if you can help them in any way
DON’T ask if you can sell it for them
DON’T take along brochures or company literature
DO offer to book an appointment to see their home on another visit
DON’T forget to get permission for a follow up
DO be friendly and approachable, and leave them with a positive impression of you and your agency
DON’T push them in any way; it will only cause them to resist the idea of changing agents
DO knock on the doors of the best homes in your area – these are the homeowners who are often more likely to welcome the approach
Door knocking gave us the kickstart we really needed in those tough first few months, and it could help you too. Don’t go in cold, warm up the door knock with a really good letter or two, and you’ll be amazed at the results you get.
How our happy band of amazing agents can help you grow your agency
Trying new marketing tactics that your competitors can’t, won’t and don’t is not easy. Having the support of agents who have been where you are now, and breaking revenue barriers you want to one day achieve yourself, is vital. That’s why we created the AJ Mastermind
Not only will you get to spend time with people who will lift you up and help you get to your goals, the AJ Mastermind also gives you access to the very best estate agent marketing, training and coaching in the country.
Click the big gold button below to take a look for yourself, and let’s see if we’re a good fit for one another.
Sam and Phil
PS prefer to chat to a friendly human? Give us a call on 015394 40892 or drop Sam an email at
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